The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) was established by the National Science Foundation in 1979 to strengthen science and engineering infrastructure in states that historically have received less support from federal research grants. Through this program, states develop collaborations between higher education institutions, industry, and government to build research capacity, engage stakeholders, and increase economic competitiveness.
In New Hampshire, the NH EPSCoR program strategically directs federal investments in world-class research infrastructure to support scientific research and STEM education that benefits the Granite State.
The Data Discovery Center, developed and housed at the University of New Hampshire, hosts data and products from the following NH EPSCoR research projects:
Ecosystems & Society: An advanced sensor network has been deployed across New Hampshire that puts the state at the forefront of using cutting-edge technology to continuously collect environmental data. Intensive ecosystem measurement and modeling efforts have led to a deeper understanding of the relationships between land use, regional climate change, water quality, soil processes, forest dynamics, snow behavior, public perceptions, and management policies.
New England Sustainability Consortium (NEST): NEST is a regional research partnership between the EPSCoR programs in Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island focused on strengthening the scientific basis for decision-making through sustainability science. Projects include improving the management of recreational beaches and shellfish harvesting and empowering communities to make complex decisions about the future of dams.