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Airborne Imagery

Airborne remote sensing data capture optical properties of the land surface during peak growing season and snow-covered periods, providing information on vegetation composition, canopy chemistry and surface albedo.

Clamflat Shell Addition Experiment

Using multiple study sites around Frenchman Bay, this project tests the effect of adding crushed shell onto areas in the intertidal zones, and examines the effects of this treatment on both porewater pH and clam recruitment and survival.

CoCoRAHS Albedo

The CoCoRAHS Network portal provides high quality, volunteer collected snow albedo, snow depth, and snow density data for research and education applications.

Dam Decision Support Tool

The Dam Toolbox, collaboratively developed by researchers on the NSF-EPSCoR Future of Dams project, is designed to: a) support user learning about a set of specific dam sites on the Penobscot River; b) capture user preference information about decision criteria (e.g., annuitized project cost, sea-run fish habitat area, annual hydropower generation, etc.) and decision alternatives (e.g., remove dam, increase hydropower capacity, etc.); c) rank potential decision alternatives at each dam site based on the combination of user-defined preference information and site-specific data; d) explore multi-dam decision scenarios based on site-specific data and user preferences; and e) visually represent the user’s decision recommendation with graphs. We envision the Dam Decision Support Tool supporting multiple decision makers (e.g., regulators, municipalities, NGOs) in a participatory setting to identify a shared set of priorities independently of (but possibly complementary to) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Hydropower Dam Licensing Progress.

Eddy Flux Monitoring Network

The Eddy Flux Network is a network of four flux towers that use the eddy covariance method to measure carbon and water fluxes over land cover types that broadly represent the NH landscape, including forest, agriculture and developed land.

Fecal Bacteria Assessment

This study examines fecal contamination in water through two indicators of contamination, E. coli and enterococcus. To understand the fate of fecal coliform, we sampled across various land use and climatic conditions in southeastern NH.

Great Bay Pathogenic Vibrio & Environmental Data

A long-term program in the Great Bay Estuary of New Hampshire has established monitoring at two sites to provide information on the monthly, bimonthly and inter-annual variability of several pathogenic strains of Vibrios.

High Intensity Aquatic Network

This portal supports research efforts that model the impacts of current climatic extremes on aquatic ecosystem services under different land management regimes. The project provides data for outreach and education.

High Intensity Terrestrial Network

The High Intensity Terrestrial Network portal provides data, including soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and fluxes at multiple sites across the state of New Hampshire, to help link soil processes to water chemistry parameters.

Intensive Snow Measurements

This data portal provides a suite of snowpack characteristics: snow depth and density, grain size, albedo, temperature, and major ion and black carbon chemistry data, collected from three NH sites during the winters of 2013 to 2016.

Land Use and Demographics

This portal combines housing density data with forest characteristics, demographic and remote sensing data to examine residential development patterns, spatial variations in forest cover and ecosystem change in NH.

LoVoTECS Network

The LoVoTECS Network portal provides data to improve the understanding of the state’s water resources and helps develop a technically advanced workforce by providing educational opportunities to interact with large data sets.

Maine and New Hampshire Beachgoer Survey

This study explores user visitation patterns, user preferences for beaches and coastal areas, perceptions of ocean water quality, and how users acquire beach safety information.

Maine and New Hampshire Coastal Resident Survey

This survey helps identify the perceptions, values, and attitudes of Maine and New Hampshire residents about water quality along the Gulf of Maine coast.

Maine Healthy Beaches

This study surveys recent Maine Healthy Beaches participants to better understand why individuals and organizations participate, how the program works, and obtain feedback from program participants.

Media Analysis

This analysis focuses on the public discourse surrounding shellfish in Maine and New Hampshire. The data includes a comprehensive list of the newspaper articles published in both states that covered shellfish issues from 2000 - 2014.

New England Dams Database

The New England Dams Database contains data on dam identification, dam locations, feature characteristics, land use classification, impervious cover, dam hazard classification, and stream data from more than 7000 dams in New England.

NH Climate

This data portal provides climate data and model simulations output that allow for the examination of past and future changes in temperature and precipitation across NH depending on greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere.

NH Water & Watersheds Survey

The New Hampshire Water and Watershed Survey project focuses on evaluating and valuing the ecosystem services (‬benefits from nature provided to humans) ‬provided by New Hampshire’s watersheds.‭

Northeastern U.S. High Resolution Climate Projections Dataset

This dataset can be used in regional-scale ecosystem, hydrology, economy and other impact assessment models to assess regional impacts of climate change.

Public Perceptions of Water Issues

This study surveys NH residents to assess the public’s knowledge of, and attitudes about, seafood issues, water use and water quality, and science. In-depth interviews with key stakeholders complement the survey results.

Public Transmedia Storytelling

This dataset includes various audio, video, and photographs from a public transmedia outreach project focused on NEST's efforts in the Safe Beaches and Shellfish project.

Surfers, Water Quality, & Decision Making

This project investigates risk perception of water-borne pathogens among Maine and NH surfers to better understand their local environmental knowledge and if risk perception plays a role in their decision to surf.