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Poster Gallery
FERC Relicensing & Fish Passage: An Update
Recomposing Dam Decision Making: A Reciprocal Case Study (digital version exclu…
Quantifying the Impact of Dams on Floods and Nutrient Flux…
Exploring New England Dams: Analysis using the high resolution NHD
Using Stream Power to Estimate Impounded Sediment Volume and Dominant Grain Siz…
Monitoring Passage of Alewife & American Shad...
Climate and Land Use Change Effects on Future Runoff Production & Transfer Mech…
System dynamics modeling of fish and energy tradeoffs under various dam decisio…
Drones, Dams, and Decision-making
Public Preferences for Competing Ecosystem Services from Dams and Removals
How Discourse Shapes Dam Decision Making: News Stories as Sites of Meaning
A tool for understanding likely fish passage and harvest management
outcomes f…
Ecological Assessment of Bellamy River with UAS Remote Sensing Techniques
Using remote sensing methods to study changes in sediment transport and geomorp…
The impact of dams on nutrient flux in New England watersheds
System dynamics modeling of water-energy-fish-carbon tradeoffs under various da…
Dam Risk Assessment Under Climate Change in New England
University of Rhode Island Lotic Lab
Discovering the necessary skills, knowledge, and experiences for training the n…
Sustaining Team Science: Dynamic Design Planning as a Collaborative Ecology
Safe Beaches, Shellfish, and You
Water Quality & Risk Perception: Examining Surfer’s Perceptions of Safe Beaches…
Increasing the Understanding of Pathogen Removal Ecosystem Service by Aquatic E…
Decision-making Processes for Beach and Shellfish Management: A Scoping Analysis
Who Should Bear the Burden of Cost for Protecting Water Quality?
How are Coastal Maine Residents Getting Information About Water Quality?
From the Flat: How Stakeholders Respond to and Gain Information About Shellfish…
Improving Upland Drainage Representation Using LiDAR
A Communication Systems Framework for Sustainability Science
Communication for Enhanced Resilience within Intertidal Ecologies and Shellfish…
Do Maine and New Hampshire Residents Prefer Shellfish Harvested Locally?